February 6 - The Church is on the rise
Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:
The Church is on the rise
As believers, we pray for God to add souls to the Kingdom. We ask diligently for growth, but sometimes the very thing that we are asking for will bring the next challenges. In Chapter four, we find that the number of disciples is increasing at what could only be described as a supernatural rate. Adding new believers to the church was not just creating opportunity, but a need for an increase in discipleship and leadership.
This idea is a pivotal in understanding of your part in the New Testament Church. Becoming a believer is only the beginning of the process. Discipleship is a journey that allows you to give back to people the same love and guidance that you received when you first started your walk with Jesus.
To respond to the arising needs for ministry, the Apostles appointed other leaders to serve alongside them. Upon the selection of new workers, they immediately began to see the fruit of that decision. Verse seven tells us that: "the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem".
We must understand that an increase in ministry requires an increase in laborers. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 9:37–38:
37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Sometimes we assume that we will pray and God will send others out to the harvest. If we aren’t sensitive to the Spirit we will miss the understanding that we are also the answer to that same prayer. No matter where you are in your relationship with Jesus, the plan of discipleship is that you are moving toward being a mature believer, who is then working to make other disciples as well. Like the Church of Acts, we will only be able to accomplish more ministry when believers are moving forward in their spiritual growth. However, when we participate in that process, we will see the same thing that the Church of Acts saw: An increase in the sharing of the Gospel and a multiplying of the number of disciples.
Reflect on the journey:
Where are you in your journey of discipleship? Take a moment to think about how you would accurately describe your growth as a disciple. Take some time to consider how you would like to be known as a disciple.
Through your prayer time today:
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how you can be more intentional in becoming a mature disciple and how you can be more intentional in helping those around you to become mature disciples.
February 5 - Get out of jail free
Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:
Get out of jail free
You've probably played the board game Monopoly. You may have even had a nearly catastrophic family feud over it. In that game, time spent in jail means wasting precious opportunities to buy and develop property. As such, having the beloved "Get out of jail free" card is a treasured addition to anyone's holdings.
The Apostles went to jail. They went to jail often. The authorities knew that they had no real reason to have the disciples detained, but as long as they were locked away, the Gospel was not causing quite as much of an uproar in the city. The religious figures would go to any length to find a reason to cast the disciples into prison, but there was one thing that the jealous Sadducees did not take into consideration: They did not have a single lock that the Angel of the Lord did not already have a key to.
The Apostles did not have a "get-out-of-jail-free" card in their tunics, but they quickly learned that when they made God's mission their mission he opened every door that they needed - right on time.
Most of us will never experience imprisonment for preaching the Gospel, but too many people are living bound in spiritual prisons. You may be battling anger, bitterness, anxiety, addiction or any number of other strongholds in your life. Be encouraged today - He is faithful to make a way where there seems to be no way. He will bring peace and liberty to those who have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus and have made His mission their highest priority.
Reflect on the journey:
Is there an area of your life that you feel is holding you back from complete obedience to Christ? Confess that to the Lord and invite the Holy Spirit to give you freedom today.
Through your prayer time today:
Meditate through Psalm 20:1-9. As you read, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he speaks to you through this passage.
February 4 - They had been with Jesus
Today's Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:
They had been with Jesus
As our journey continues into chapter four, the recently healed lame man was not the only one whose life was impacted that day. Peter and John had caused quite an uproar among the religious crowd with the events that unfolded at the temple. The disciples were arrested and brought before the council to be questioned of the healing of this man. As they retold the story it was evident that there was something quite different about Peter and John.
The council of the elders and scribes made an assessment to Peter and John's response in verse thirteen. Their verdict: It was evident that these men "had been with Jesus".
What a statement. They recognized that they had been with Jesus. This may have been an simple acknowledgement that these men had physically been with Jesus during his ministry, but I cannot help but believe it was deeper than that. Something about Peter and John exuded a Christ-likeness. As we read on through chapter four, we see a few characteristics of disciples who could be recognized by their relationship with Jesus.
They were people of perspective
In these trying moments, they did not allow the immediate situation to dictate their dedication. What was their response? "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” They had kingdom perspective. So much kingdom perspective that when they were released, they asked God to empower them to continue speaking his word with boldness. They were people of perspective because....
They were people of prayer
There is no way to separate the events of Acts from the disciples' attention to prayer. Verses twenty-three and twenty-four demonstrate that this was the response of the early church.
Someone needed healing? They prayed. Disciples were arrested and questioned? They prayed. They feel the city still needed the Gospel? They prayed. As a product of being people who prayed....
They were people of power
They walked day by day in the supernatural overflow of their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus had transformed their lives and the fruit of that relationship was transforming lives all around them. They were quick to tell you as Peter did in verses eight, nine and ten - that this was all due to the power of Jesus.
"Acts 4:8–10 (ESV)
8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders, 9 if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed, 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead—by him this man is standing before you well.
Reflect on the journey:
What changes could you allow God to make in your heart and life to make you look more like someone "who has been with Jesus"?
Through your prayer time today:
Take a moment today to ask God to transform your perspective of a situation in your life that is challenging. Be sensitive to the Spirit as you go through your week to see the changes in your heart and mind.
February 3 - Holy Interruptions
Today's Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:
Holy Interruptions
The New Testament Church of Acts was faithful to prayer. They also faithfully attended the temple to pray and worship together. As a result, they were seeing an incredible revival. Souls were being added to the kingdom daily as the community around them experienced the life-changing power of the Spirit. One such occasion is documented in Acts chapter three as Peter and John have an encounter with a man who we only know as "a man lame from birth". This man had been laid daily at the gate of the temple for the majority of his life. There is no doubt that Peter and John had passed by this man countless times before. One could probably assume that Jesus himself had passed right by this man during his time on earth.
The fact that he had been there for that long allows us to understand two things: First, Jesus had left this man in his current condition. Jesus might have passed right by this man, knowing that his healing was coming, but it was not quite time. The moment his healing would come would be the moment that it would have maximum impact on the community around him. Secondly, this man was a familiar sight for the disciples. They had no other reason to stop that day other than the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
As believers, so many times we find ourselves on both sides of this story. As people who have real needs, we can be reminded that no matter how long the situation has lasted, there is hope that a breakthrough moment could happen at any time. When it does, it's going to be an incredible testimony of God's goodness. Romans 8:28 reminds us "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
As disciples, we find ourselves in common moments that can turn into Holy interruptions at any time. That was the promise of Acts 1:8. The Holy Spirit would empower us to become the witnesses of the life-changing power of Jesus. This week, be ready for Holy interruptions. Pray that the Holy Spirit makes you sensitive to the needs of those around you as we join God in his mission.
Reflect on the journey:
Do you have a need in your life that has felt hopeless? Take a moment and ask God once again to meet your need.
Through your prayer time today:
Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive and give you the gift of discernment to see the ordinary moments that could become holy interruptions.
February 2 - Power for a purpose
Today’s Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:
Acts 2:1-21
Power for a purpose
These first two chapters of Acts set the stage for explosive growth in the New Testament Church. Understanding Acts one and two brings the entirety of the New Testament into perspective. The disciples and apostles were shifting from working alongside the ministry of Jesus to a life of empowerment from the Holy Spirit to carry out the great commission. The lens that we see the New Testament through is shaped by what we believe about the words of Acts two. If we believe that this was a one-time occurrence meant solely as an initial empowerment for the Church as a whole, then the following chapters of Acts become a collection of stories about a group of believers whose lives are something entirely different than ours. However, if we understand that the empowerment that the disciples received in Acts two is for each and every one of us, we will also see the same power alive in us. Peter told them in verse thirty-nine:
For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.”
If the empowering of the Holy Spirit is for us just like it was for Peter and John, then we must understand the purpose for which he came. After all, the purposes of God have not shifted. When we take note of the purposes of the Holy Spirit in Acts two, we may also see the purposes of the Holy Spirit in our lives. While not exhaustive, here are three important aspects:
One - The Holy Spirit came to unify believers
I love the parallel of Acts two and the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis eleven. In Babel, humanity had conspired a plan to exalt themselves. God stated that because of their unity, they would be able to accomplish almost anything (Genesis 11:6). They showed up that day, but because of God’s judgement on sin, they left with division and diversities that they could not overcome. In Acts two, there were people of every nation with so many backgrounds. They had arrived in Jerusalem with diversities of all kind, but on the day of Pentecost they were united by the same Gospel being preached in every language. Even today, the empowering of the Spirit brings together people of different backgrounds, experiences, races, ages and genders. The Holy Spirit still brings unity today. Psalm 133 tells us that where Holy unity is, God commands a blessing!
Two - The Holy Spirit came to bring power
Power was the thing, right? Jesus declared in Acts 1:8: “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you…” Understanding the purpose allows us to understand that this power was not to perform a set of spiritual tricks, but rather to live overcoming lives. The Holy Spirit was sent to give us power over our desires, our addictions, sickness, fear, and faithlessness. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live fruitful and practical lives. Romans 8:26-28 tells us that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, sees my heart, intercedes for me and ultimately works all things together for our good. We need his power at work in our lives.
Three - The Holy Spirit was sent for more
Joel prophesied the coming of the Holy Spirit. He said that when the Spirit came, young men would see visions, old men would dream dreams, men and women of all ages and backgrounds would have an inner sense of the prophetic. The context of these prophecies, dreams and visions were not of what once was, but rather what would be. The working of the Spirit points to the days ahead. Jesus told his disciples in John 16:12-13:
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.”
Put simply if we are going to walk out the purpose of God in our lives, we need the infilling of the Holy Spirit. You’ve not exhausted the plan of God for your life. When we commit to abiding in the Spirit we will without doubt see more of his power working through our lives.
Reflect on the journey:
Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:7: “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Is there an area of your life that you could invite to replace feelings or thoughts that are causing you to feel stuck?
Through your prayer time today:
We will see in days ahead that the infilling of the Spirit was not a one time occurrence, but rather a continual renewal. Take some time today to ask the fulness of the Spirit to abide in your life. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh.
February 1 - Wait
Today's Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:
How many times have you been reminded to wait on the Lord? The advice may have even been accompanied by a righteous quoting of Isaiah 40:31 to you. Those reminders may have been given from a well meaning friend or loved one who may not have even known exactly what you were waiting on. Hopefully you found the verse in Isaiah to be true and you "mounted up on wings like eagles", but possibly you were just left feeling weak and alone.
This is what happened to the disciples here in Acts 1. Except the friend who gave them that advice did know what they were waiting on. They were waiting for the promise. It was a promise he had already told them about. Jesus went on to identify that promise: It was the Holy Spirit. He would be their source of strength and boldness as they carried out the great commission and navigated the challenges of their new life as disciples.
Over the next several weeks, I want to challenge you to do more than just read through the book of Acts. Prayerfully attend the pages. Wait in those Words. As we wait on the Lord together, my prayer is that He will meet you in impactful moments to empower you to fulfill the calling on your life. In Matthew 28, Jesus gave his disciples The Great Commission and told them to GO. Now, immediately before his ascension to Heaven, he instructs them to WAIT.
This is your reminder to wait on Him. No matter the pressing challenges of the day or the week ahead of you - I can confidently assure you that it will be better after time spent with the Spirit.
So before you rush off to tasks or apps. Just wait. He will meet you there.
Reflect on the journey:
Is there a promise from the Lord that you’re waiting on?
Through your prayer time today:
Invite the Holy Spirit to make you a bold witness and to live a Spirit-empowered life.