February 3 - Holy Interruptions

Today's Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:

Acts 3:1-16 (ESV)

Holy Interruptions

The New Testament Church of Acts was faithful to prayer. They also faithfully attended the temple to pray and worship together. As a result, they were seeing an incredible revival. Souls were being added to the kingdom daily as the community around them experienced the life-changing power of the Spirit. One such occasion is documented in Acts chapter three as Peter and John have an encounter with a man who we only know as "a man lame from birth". This man had been laid daily at the gate of the temple for the majority of his life. There is no doubt that Peter and John had passed by this man countless times before. One could probably assume that Jesus himself had passed right by this man during his time on earth.

The fact that he had been there for that long allows us to understand two things: First, Jesus had left this man in his current condition. Jesus might have passed right by this man, knowing that his healing was coming, but it was not quite time. The moment his healing would come would be the moment that it would have maximum impact on the community around him. Secondly, this man was a familiar sight for the disciples. They had no other reason to stop that day other than the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

As believers, so many times we find ourselves on both sides of this story. As people who have real needs, we can be reminded that no matter how long the situation has lasted, there is hope that a breakthrough moment could happen at any time. When it does, it's going to be an incredible testimony of God's goodness. Romans 8:28 reminds us "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

As disciples, we find ourselves in common moments that can turn into Holy interruptions at any time. That was the promise of Acts 1:8. The Holy Spirit would empower us to become the witnesses of the life-changing power of Jesus. This week, be ready for Holy interruptions. Pray that the Holy Spirit makes you sensitive to the needs of those around you as we join God in his mission.

Reflect on the journey:

Do you have a need in your life that has felt hopeless? Take a moment and ask God once again to meet your need.

Through your prayer time today:

Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive and give you the gift of discernment to see the ordinary moments that could become holy interruptions.


February 4 - They had been with Jesus


February 2 - Power for a purpose