All of the resources you need to follow along with Hub City Church Gatherings

Wanna visit in person?
SUNDAYS - 10am
213 McKinnon Street, Petal, MS 39465
First Time Guest FAQ
What should I wear?
We’ve tried to include pictures throughout our website to give you a sense of what our church looks like. Here’s the bottom line - don’t stress out about it. You look great!
What do I do when I get there?
Come on in! We have coffee set up in the foyer. You’ll usually see a group of folks out front or waiting for you in the foyer. They’ll make sure you find your way around. If you’ve got kids, you may want to get there a few minutes early to check them into Hub City Kids. (By the way, they’re gonna love it!)
What is a church service like at Hub City Church?
We’re pretty minimal. We believe Sunday gatherings are a celebration. We usually try to arrive plenty early to laugh and share stories of the week over coffee and snacks. Our services begin with our worship team kicking church off with a set of worship songs. We sing and worship together. You may see people lifting their hands, smiling, singing or even crying. The presence of God is so faithful to meet us in those moments! After that, Pastor Justin will share Sunday’s message, and we usually close with a few minutes in worship and prayer as we respond to the Word of God in our lives. Most Sundays, our service will last around 70 minutes. If you need to leave early - don’t sweat it!
A great way to get familiar with a church service with no pressure is to join us on the live stream or catch a service that was streamed. You can find these on our YouTube channel.
Our Micro-Churches are the life-source of our church. It’s real people sharing real life together. We’ve got several happening across the area, and with varying ages, you’ll definitely find a place that you belong!