February 5 - Get out of jail free

Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:

Acts 5:12–32 (ESV)

Get out of jail free

You've probably played the board game Monopoly. You may have even had a nearly catastrophic family feud over it. In that game, time spent in jail means wasting precious opportunities to buy and develop property. As such, having the beloved "Get out of jail free" card is a treasured addition to anyone's holdings.

The Apostles went to jail. They went to jail often. The authorities knew that they had no real reason to have the disciples detained, but as long as they were locked away, the Gospel was not causing quite as much of an uproar in the city. The religious figures would go to any length to find a reason to cast the disciples into prison, but there was one thing that the jealous Sadducees did not take into consideration: They did not have a single lock that the Angel of the Lord did not already have a key to.

The Apostles did not have a "get-out-of-jail-free" card in their tunics, but they quickly learned that when they made God's mission their mission he opened every door that they needed - right on time.

Most of us will never experience imprisonment for preaching the Gospel, but too many people are living bound in spiritual prisons. You may be battling anger, bitterness, anxiety, addiction or any number of other strongholds in your life. Be encouraged today - He is faithful to make a way where there seems to be no way. He will bring peace and liberty to those who have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus and have made His mission their highest priority.

Reflect on the journey:

Is there an area of your life that you feel is holding you back from complete obedience to Christ? Confess that to the Lord and invite the Holy Spirit to give you freedom today.

Through your prayer time today:

Meditate through Psalm 20:1-9. As you read, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he speaks to you through this passage.


February 6 - The Church is on the rise


February 4 - They had been with Jesus