February 1 - Wait

Today's Journey Through Acts Excerpt is:

Acts 1:1-11


How many times have you been reminded to wait on the Lord? The advice may have even been accompanied by a righteous quoting of Isaiah 40:31 to you. Those reminders may have been given from a well meaning friend or loved one who may not have even known exactly what you were waiting on. Hopefully you found the verse in Isaiah to be true and you "mounted up on wings like eagles", but possibly you were just left feeling weak and alone.

This is what happened to the disciples here in Acts 1. Except the friend who gave them that advice did know what they were waiting on. They were waiting for the promise. It was a promise he had already told them about. Jesus went on to identify that promise: It was the Holy Spirit. He would be their source of strength and boldness as they carried out the great commission and navigated the challenges of their new life as disciples.

Over the next several weeks, I want to challenge you to do more than just read through the book of Acts. Prayerfully attend the pages. Wait in those Words. As we wait on the Lord together, my prayer is that He will meet you in impactful moments to empower you to fulfill the calling on your life. In Matthew 28, Jesus gave his disciples The Great Commission and told them to GO. Now, immediately before his ascension to Heaven, he instructs them to WAIT.

This is your reminder to wait on Him. No matter the pressing challenges of the day or the week ahead of you - I can confidently assure you that it will be better after time spent with the Spirit.

So before you rush off to tasks or apps. Just wait. He will meet you there.

Reflect on the journey:

Is there a promise from the Lord that you’re waiting on?

Through your prayer time today:

Invite the Holy Spirit to make you a bold witness and to live a Spirit-empowered life.


February 2 - Power for a purpose