The Hub City Journey: Why Are We Here?

  • We’re on a Journey!

If you think about a road trip, the reason is usually the destination

    • When we talk about Hub City Church being on a journey - the natural question is


      • So, as a church - where are we going?

        • If you were my kids, I'd say: "You'll find out when we get there"

          • In reality, We will discuss that a little more in two weeks

    • The challenge for us now is to be present where we're at on the journey

      • The tension for a church plant is managing the "where we're at" and the "where we're going"

        • There are some things that we just aren't quite ready for

        • It also creates an easy excuse that we will do certain things when we have X number of people

  • Sometimes we want to rush past where we're at and assume the next phase or season is where the real fruit will come from!

    • This happens personally - most of you have probably made the statement:

      • "Things will be different, when...."

Here's the reality - if we're not doing things now, we won't do them when the situation changes

  • The scale may change

  • Our abilities may change

  • The heart behind (The WHO WE ARE) will not change

  • In other words:

    • The process is more important than the product

    • The being is more important than the doing

If you look at, our values are values of what we want to be

  • Committed to scripture

  • Culture of Honor

  • Radically Generous

  • Excellent

  • A Team

  • Authentic

Here are 3 things that I want to make sure that we are being as we launch Hub City Church

Be disciples that make disciples

  • There is no attendance requirement to make disciples

  • We don't have to have a certain income to make disciples

If we don't make disciples now - we won't make them then

  • In your life, contextualize this - make dsiciples

  • This is why we do Micro-church, we want to connect people so that this process can happen

    • Let’s be a church-built church!

Be people that make the goodness of Jesus unavoidable

  • That's a cute tagline, but what do we actually mean when we say that?

    • Our goal here is not to be a big church,

    • Our goal is not to be the "fad" church

    • Our goal is to fill Hattiesburg with disciples

      • I want it to be hard to go to hell from Hattiesburg

      • My dream is that it becomes hard to go to Pyro's or Target without running into someone who is in love with Jesus.

      • We're not trying to fill Hattiesburg with Hub City Church stickers, we're trying to make His goodness unavoidable. 

Be people who do hard things.

  • There is too much at stake to play it safe

    • This fall, we will be officially launching Hub City Church

      • If we take all the easy roads between now and then, we leave no room for God to move supernaturally


  • Don't get to heaven and have to tell God that I wasn't willing to take a chance so that He could be made famous in my city

    • We're gonna take risks

    • We're going to go after things that are beyond our resources

    • We will bite off more than we can chew

      • It's called FAITH

      • We are inviting you to come with us!

        • We are inviting you to use your gifts

        • We are inviting you to give radically financially

        • We are going to invite you to invite the unlikeliest people to be disciples

        • DO HARD THINGS


Delays & Detours


Non-Negotiables: The Church