The Hub City Journey: Why Are We Here?
We’re on a Journey!
If you think about a road trip, the reason is usually the destination
When we talk about Hub City Church being on a journey - the natural question is
So, as a church - where are we going?
If you were my kids, I'd say: "You'll find out when we get there"
In reality, We will discuss that a little more in two weeks
The challenge for us now is to be present where we're at on the journey
The tension for a church plant is managing the "where we're at" and the "where we're going"
There are some things that we just aren't quite ready for
It also creates an easy excuse that we will do certain things when we have X number of people
Sometimes we want to rush past where we're at and assume the next phase or season is where the real fruit will come from!
This happens personally - most of you have probably made the statement:
"Things will be different, when...."
Here's the reality - if we're not doing things now, we won't do them when the situation changes
The scale may change
Our abilities may change
The heart behind (The WHO WE ARE) will not change
In other words:
The process is more important than the product
The being is more important than the doing
If you look at, our values are values of what we want to be
Committed to scripture
Culture of Honor
Radically Generous
A Team
Here are 3 things that I want to make sure that we are being as we launch Hub City Church
Be disciples that make disciples
There is no attendance requirement to make disciples
We don't have to have a certain income to make disciples
If we don't make disciples now - we won't make them then
In your life, contextualize this - make dsiciples
This is why we do Micro-church, we want to connect people so that this process can happen
Let’s be a church-built church!
Be people that make the goodness of Jesus unavoidable
That's a cute tagline, but what do we actually mean when we say that?
Our goal here is not to be a big church,
Our goal is not to be the "fad" church
Our goal is to fill Hattiesburg with disciples
I want it to be hard to go to hell from Hattiesburg
My dream is that it becomes hard to go to Pyro's or Target without running into someone who is in love with Jesus.
We're not trying to fill Hattiesburg with Hub City Church stickers, we're trying to make His goodness unavoidable.
Be people who do hard things.
There is too much at stake to play it safe
This fall, we will be officially launching Hub City Church
If we take all the easy roads between now and then, we leave no room for God to move supernaturally
Don't get to heaven and have to tell God that I wasn't willing to take a chance so that He could be made famous in my city
We're gonna take risks
We're going to go after things that are beyond our resources
We will bite off more than we can chew
It's called FAITH
We are inviting you to come with us!
We are inviting you to use your gifts
We are inviting you to give radically financially
We are going to invite you to invite the unlikeliest people to be disciples