Delays & Detours
We are on a journey:
I don't want to end this life as someone who was a believer, but not a follow
Story of Joseph - Genesis 37 - 47
He knew he was called to be a leader, but you can’t lead until you learn how to serve.
So Joseph, who is called to be a leader:
Betrayed by his own family
Sold into slavery
Becomes a servant to Potipher
Accused of trying to rape Potipher's wife after he refuses her
Put into prison, where he spends significant time, but the excellence that he serves with ends up bringing him out
So, as we talk about "The journey" let’s take a pretty broad look at Joseph's life and draw a few conclusions:
Don't stop dreaming about the destination
Joseph was promised the palace, but every time he looked around he was:
In a pit
In Potipher's house as a slave
In Prison
When you are in a situation that doesn't look like your promise (Joseph)
Its easy to:
Get distracted
As in, you forget about everything ahead, and you are consumed with the current struggle
Get discouraged
As in, you assume the current struggle has negated the promises of God
20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NKJV)
29 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 (ESV)
Become defiant
As in, you throw a fit when God doesn't do it the way you want him to
We have to learn:
To: Process our "now" through the lens of our promise
Not: Process our promise through the lens of our "now"
Don't neglect those who are on the journey with you
I'm not saying that it was enjoyable, but do you know who moved Joseph from each season into the next?
The people around him!
This is why you can't afford to ignore the people around you - God is going to use them to move toward your calling!
If Joseph's brothers hadn't betrayed him, he'd never have made it to Potipher's house
If Joseph had never been falsely accused by Potipher's wife, he'd never made it to the prison
If Joseph had never met the cupbearer in prison, he'd never made it to the palace
In every stage, it was the people around him that God used to move him toward his promise!
Don't be afraid to take the next step
Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
We want the "Waze" version of the Journey:
I want the fastest route
I want to know about every delay before I get there
I want to know about all of the potential hazards
I want to know about all the highway patrolmen ahead
The authorship of Psalm 119 is not known, but the author undoubtedly knew about walking with God:
You may not get the trip overview, but you will get the next step
If you don't take this step, you'll never get to the next one!
I can only get the directions for the next step when I'm connected to the one who guides my steps:
If he gave you the whole journey + the destination you'd never need him again
You must be more committed to the person than the purpose
The only way you'll make it to the promise is by following the person of Jesus Christ
If you’re on a journey with Jesus - it will take you longer to get where you're going than you think and you’ll take a route that you didn’t know was coming
When you're driving - you assume delays and Detours are not optional
What if you gave Jesus the right to interrupt your life
Do you have a “Yes, Lord” relationship or a “gimme a minute” relationship with Jesus?
I want to go back to what we said at the beginning this morning:
I don't want to end this life as someone who was a believer, but not a follower.