February 12 - Rinse and Repeat

Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:

Acts 12:1–17

Rinse and Repeat

Acts twelve is not the first, and will not be the last, divine jailbreak. We discussed Peter and the Apostles' get out of jail free card in chapter five of our journey through Acts. If nothing else puts how common this sort of thing was becoming into perspective, consider this: Verse six tells us that Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with chains. Peter was so in touch with the faithfulness of God that he was actually able to sleep in those challenging moments.

It is astounding that there was no resistance when the Angel of the Lord showed up in the cell, woke Peter up and led him out of prison. No guards were awakened, nobody met him to challenge the escape. Their departure was so uncontested that the gates of the city opened by themselves. Peter's deliverance was remarkably easy. However, we cannot forget this ease was experienced in one of the most hopeless moments of his life. He was facing execution. Peter was scheduled to be killed first thing the next morning. Judging from James' fate just prior to this - this execution was likely.

This is the dichotomy of the Kingdom. Walking with the Lord brings peace that is intended to be experienced in the chaos. Peter walked out without a fight while awaiting his execution. You may have experienced this in your own life in moments that should go one way, but you end up finding God working out the details in ways you never thought possible. I cannot help but think that this is the way Abraham felt as he trudged up the mountain to sacrifice his son, Isaac, while asserting that "God will provide for himself the lamb" in Genesis twenty-two.

This is precisely the reason why we as disciples cannot afford to be risk-averse. I'm not advocating a recklessly presumptuous faith, but what if your desire to avoid all discomfort or uncertainty has prevented you from seeing the supernatural work of the Spirit in your life? Today, consider that the beckoning in your heart you feel to step out on risky faith may be God's way of bringing you into a place where you see Him do something in your life that is truly God-sized. You may not go to prison, but you may have a scary conversation, or give until it feels sacrificial. Whatever call you feel, take a bold, risky step toward it. While you're there, trust the Lord enough to sleep peacefully until He brings something incredible to pass.

Reflect on the journey:

Think back to a moment in your life when you were sure things were not going to work out but God caused them to work for your good and His glory. Take time to be thankful for God's faithfulness in your life.

Through your prayer time today:

Are you experiencing a circumstance in your life that you need God to move? Read Psalm 124 and be reminded that when you put your trust in Him, he accomplishes what you could not by yourself. Take time to confess your faith that He will work in that situation.


February 13 - Pivot


February 11 - New places, new names