February 24, Favor
Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:
In a particularly pivotal moment in the history of our church, we joined together to pray for three things: favor, provision, and wisdom. We had exhausted our efforts and were in a moment where we needed the Holy Spirit to work out the details for the next step of faith. We saw God move mightily in that season, and there was no doubt that we were given divine favor as we searched for a new facility for our growing church. It seems that challenging moments are often paired with a new experience of God's faithfulness. On a much more significant scale, Paul was no stranger to significant challenges as the early church grew. In one of the most difficult and uncertain times of his ministry, he found favor with the governor Felix. This relationship could not have been more timely.
There is not much here in chapter twenty-four concerning the relationship that developed between Paul and Felix. Obviously, there were mixed motivations on the side of Felix, but for over two years, he and his wife met with Paul. I cannot help but think that Paul became a spiritual influence in their family and in Felix's leadership. While we're not given information that Felix ever made a profession of faith, we can see that Paul had a voice and an impact in their lives.
As a disciple of Jesus, I believe that we've been given divine favor and influence in the places we go and with the people we see. You probably have no idea how much influence you carry in the sphere of people you encounter daily. God has strategically placed you in places and opened doors for you to speak into lives. Like Paul, you've got opportunities to continually - sometimes little by little -speak truth into the lives of the people around you. Sometimes we expect to have just the right thing to say to melt the hard hearts of the people around us as they break down, weeping their way through salvation. It may not happen that way. God may give you influence in someone's life and allow you to speak truth over the course of the friendship. It may be that you have the opportunity to plant a seed that will one day come to fruition when you're no longer in contact. The point is this: The small opportunities to make the goodness of Jesus unavoidable to the people around you are not insignificant. Keep building that relationship. Keep speaking truth. If you never see the fruit of your influence, don't make the mistake of assuming that it is not there. God is faithful to cause His Word to bring about change even when we don't immediately see the results.
Reflect on the journey:
In 1 Corinthians 3:6, Paul stated: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth."
Consider and thank God for the relationships in your life that you have the opportunity to speak life into. If you are feeling discouraged by not seeing fruit in that relationship, be encouraged that God is responsible for the results as you faithfully walk with Him.
Through your prayer time today:
Take time to pray for someone in your circle of influence who seems to be indifferent to the work of the Holy Spirit in their life. You may be the only person to call their name out to God today. After you pray, be sensitive to opportunities to share the joy, love, and peace in your heart with them.