February 20, Last Conversations

Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:

Acts 20:17-38

Paul's ministry continued to grow. He had raised up churches throughout the region, and here in chapter twenty, we find Paul meeting with the believers at Ephesus. We can sense a certain heaviness in Paul's interaction with those he was discipling. In city after city, Paul had received prophecy that hard times were awaiting him. Though his exact future was still unknown, he was approaching every conversation as though it might be his last.

In Acts twenty, Paul is recollecting his missionary activities to the ones who would eventually go on to continue the work. It was important that they understood the heart behind how he approached ministry. Paul tells the church: "I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again." These are effectively his last words to these believers face-to-face. The message he chose to convey was not methodologies or logistical tips for being a missionary, but rather an account that he had given himself to the fullest extent. If they were to have a profound impact on the kingdom as he did, they too, would have to give of themselves deeply.

This is an important part of discipleship. As believers, we can teach what we know, but ultimately we will reproduce who we are. For us, that means that the being is far more important than the doing. We can do the work of building ministry while having a heart that is far from God. Paul was intentional during his ministry to keep the main thing the main thing, no matter the cost. His message to them—and to us—is clear: Legacy is not just about the things that you do, but the motive and heart that drove you to do those things.

It's God's will for you to leave an impactful legacy. We cannot rewrite the story of our life once we get to the end. With every day as a disciple, the condition of our heart matters. Our motives matter. When we take care to steward moments well, God rewards our faithfulness over time. However, even if we see no reward in this lifetime, Jesus is still worthy of every ounce of our life that we can give. After all, just as Paul quoted Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Reflect on the journey:

If you, like Paul, were having a "last conversation" with someone - What would you tell them mattered most about your life? Is it possible for you to make some adjustments in how you steward your moments to better reflect the legacy that you want to leave?

Through your prayer time today:

Is there an area of your life that you have refused to give to the Lord? Take time today to reaffirm the submission of your heart, your mind, your resources and your life to the Lordship of Jesus.


February 21, Prophecies Fulfilled


February 19, Empowered at Ephesus