February 18, Gifted People

Today’s Journey Through Acts excerpt is:

Acts 18:5-28

Gifted People

In chapter eighteen of Acts we are introduced to an individual that will go on to make quite an impact on the early Church. Before we get to him, I'm drawn into the descriptives that Luke uses to bring these individuals to life throughout this chapter. Let's take a look at a few of them:

Paul was "occupied with the Word" - What wold it look like if we were occupied with the Word? The context of this phrase was that Paul was singularly focused on effectively sharing the Word of God to the Jewish population. I'm convinced that if we are going to be effective in making disciples, we too will have to have a deep-rooted love for understanding, living and sharing the Word of God.

Titius Justus was "a worshiper of God" - We discussed the importance of worship in chapter sixteen of our journey. He had such a reputation in the early church that Paul stayed in his home during his visit to Corinth. We know that the gifts of the Spirit were in full operation when we read Paul's letters to the Corinthians. I cannot help but believe that Titius Justus helped shape the atmosphere of his local church. True worship is contagious. I love being in services with people who are genuine worshipers. Worship always breathes life into situations and circumstances that seem hopeless. When you have a choice, you should worship!

Then, there's Apollos. Although we get relatively little information about him through the New Testament, it is clear from Paul's writing to the Corinthian church that Apollos was a significant figure in the their development. Here's what Luke said about Apollos: "He was eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures." He was "fervent in spirit" and he taught "accurately" and "boldly" in the synagogues. That is a whole lot of praise for one disciple! He was obviously quite gifted to lead the early church. Though he was doing an incredible job sharing the Gospel, in verse twenty-six we are told that Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and "explained to him the way of God more accurately." This couple was not out on the stage, but they were a powerful force in creating disciples.

Here's the takeaway: No matter how gifted someone is, there is always room to grow in that calling. No matter what part a person plays in the church, it's of utmost importance. Whether you are a worshiper, a scholar, a teacher, a speaker, a singer or a prayer warrior - embrace it and pour your giftings out into the Kingdom of Jesus.

Reflect on the journey:

Has God given you a gift or ability that you are using for the Kingdom? Consider how you can grow in that calling and use that gift to build up the people around you. Don't be limited by things that were listed above.

Through your prayer time today:

Ask God to reveal to you ways that you can use your giftings to build up the people around you. Ask the Spirit to guide you as you seek to increase your capacity to minister.


February 19, Empowered at Ephesus


February 17, Not Far Away